Sunday March 25, 2012
This morning I rolled up to race the Tour of Tuscaloosa road race, which was just made last week the state championship race for Alabama, in less than great form, cough cough. It’s tough to complain with my results so I won’t but you could say I was feeling a little fatigued. The course was a 4 lap 10 mile loop with very little climbing except for the last 2k to the finish.
However the weather was awesome with mid 70’s and sunny skies and plenty of racers. I think the field today was near 70 and with the motorcycle cops being extremely strict on center line, a hard race to make spots in. I rolled from the start sitting mid pack and quickly found myself 15 or so rows back of 4 wide riders. The first two laps I found myself just trying to make up spots and get to the front of the group. Riders were packed 3,4 and several times 5 wide and it was just a nightmare trying to squeeze a line, needless to say there was a lot of pushing and rubbing those first two laps.
Once I was able to make my way to the front 20, where I joined up with Alan, he was able to pull me up to the front 8 where we stayed most of the 3rd lap. A break of 3 had gone early in the race and had a minute plus on the field and no one would work to pull them back. So in the end they were able to hold off because of this. I got on the front, even thought Alan told me not too, and began pushing the pace for several miles trying to close down the gap but when I realized no one would work or pull through it became moot and I said screw that and dropped back to around 10th wheel. I sat nicely the rest of the 3rd lap and when we passed for the final bell lap the field finally kicked up the pace. Well for half a lap and we were able to spread out to a single pace line and push the pace until we approached the last 5 miles where I think we honestly averaged less than 15 mph. It was crap but no one would work and the teams with numbers up front just sat up waiting for attacks. I got to the front and began pushing but not doing much work. I just wanted a good position for the final 1k, which was all uphill. I rounded the last turn at the bottom of the hill with about 2.5k to go sitting 3rd wheel and slowly we spread out and made 4 wide on the front as not to let an attack through. I was able to catch my wind and prepare for the attack, but it came too soon. Dude on my right got up and kicked at 500m and I chased, bad idea for me. I held his wheel for about 250m then began to get dropped slowly. As I watched him ride away I just looked down at my front hub and strained to put as much power down as possible. He got about 10m on me and I stood to attack knowing I was only 200m out but just didn’t have it. At 150m to go I got passed by several riders and inside 100m I lost a couple more spots. I ended up 13th on the day and 3rd place for Alabama so I got the Bronze medal for the state championship but lost out by one spot for the money. Like I said it’s tough to complain when I got a medal on the day but eh.
Next weekend I will be at Dothan Cityfest for their crit on Sunday, no road race but I’ve heard good things about the crit and look forward to racing there.
Here is my Garmin from the race.
Max and Me getting ready to warm up
Mick getting his warmup in on the rollers
Alan getting in a quick stretch before the race
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